Your full name

Email Address:


I wish to draft my own offer , I will have an attorney draft one for me

You draft and my attorney will approve and or modify

Property Name

Property City/State

Offer amount $

Financing Contingency time length Days        Due Diligence Period Days

Closing date no later than 00/00/0000  format

I plan on offering as a down payment

(IF LAND CONTRACT) Amortization years

(IF LAND CONTRACT) Interest rate %

(IF LAND CONTRACT) Balloon Payment in year

I have no 1031 exchange requirements

I want the seller to cooperate with my 1031 exchange

The amount I need to 1031 is

(IF DOING 1031 EXCHANGE) How many days to Identify 1031 

(IF DOING 1031 EXCHANGE) How many days to Close 1031    

I currently own parks, I currently manage parks

Additional comments/specifications